
June, 24 2013

Meow Meow or Cheddar

American Shorthair

Hi, Our house cat, 13-year-old Cheddar, went missing on June 15th while we were out-of-town and we had relatives staying at our house to pet sit our 2 cats and 3 dogs. Needless to say, that didn't turn out well. I remembered reading about lost pet services and I did a Google search and found lost my kitty.com. The staff were so kind and responsive. Within a few minutes we had a telephone alert out and posters printed up. They also sent alerts to pet related businesses and vets in our area. This morning, June 24, we received a text that someone had our cat. They weren't home when we retrieved him, dirty and a few pounds lighter so we don't know the details of how he was found but the number they used was the one listed on our poster. I believe that the phone message, coupled with the posters were the keys to us getting Cheddar back. He is currently in his favorite spot under the bed where he can see down the hall and into my office. Our Australian Shepherd, Sully, is posted up at the foot of the bed. He hasn't let the cat out of his sight in the three hours he's been back! Thank you, again, lostmykitty.com for all your help, information and kindness during this stressful time. Best lesson: DON'T GIVE UP! Cats are smart and resourceful Best, Leigh Barber

June, 16 2013


Domestic Short Hair

I am so grateful for this service. Alice was missing for a day. I felt hopeless and powerless. I typed three words into my iPad search 'lost my cat' and this web site was part of the search results. I was very hesitant at first, but I was desperate - had to try something, so glad I did! The site made it so simple th print up Signs. As my husband and I were hanging up the posters wonderful neighbors from blocks near and far came out of their houses and asked if I was the one who the phone call was taking about and they told me of their sightings. That night the storm hit - i thought all was lost, how could something that small survive. Some of the local stores allowed me to hang some posters. In the morning I knew I couldn't give up, I printed more posters and replaced the ones that had washed away. We called this service again and had more calls go out. I hung out some blankets with my sent, called her name as often as I could. More neighbors came to me with new sightings, I started to have hope again. I had no idea what a fantastic neighborhood I was living in. My kitten was found this evening by a lovely young lady that lived down the street from me. I am so very grateful to her, she truly is a hero, she didn't what the reward. We made a donation to her favorite charity.

May, 14 2013


Bengal Cat

Our family was devasted to lose our cat Maximus. Lostmykitty.com put out 1250 phone calls to local residents alerting them! Today we got a call from one of those people who received the alert and went online to verify that the picture of Max matched the one they found. We are so happy! Thank you again.

May, 3 2013


Russian Blue

Thank you so much for your very easy to use and helpful site. Thanks to the free flyer I printed up on your page, I received a tip that led to me finding my cat. An alert neighbour saw the flyer and contacted me with information about where he had seen Sid. I went there and canvassed the area as soon as I got the tip and then back there again after dark. Sid meowed and let me know where he was...your site may very well have saved his life. Thank you so much and God Bless you!

January, 13 2013



Out cat,Tyler, escaped right after Hurricaine Sandy. We enlisted Lost My Kitty Nov. 16th, 2012 and had all kinds of calls, but none of them were Tyler. A gentleman called tonight who lives about a mile from us and had bee been feeding Tyler the last month. He had retained the phone number from the Amber Alert and contacted us. It was indeed out cat Tyler. Three months later, alive and well. Thank You Lost MY Kitty!

November, 10 2012


Domestic Long Hair

I have to say I am so impressed with LostMyKitty.com! We just moved so this is a new neighborhood for us and I was worried that we lost Kitty for good. This was his first time outside from this home, he was missing for four days! Within the hour that the phone message went out we got a call from a neighbor who spotted our Kitty. She said she thought by the description given that was the cat she noticed hiding in her backyard. Sure enough it was! Thank you, thank you, thank you LostMyKitty.com