
January, 12 2014


Devon Rex

I've already sent you a note telling you Miles was found and wrote a testimonial. If you can't locate it, then let me know and i will send it again.

January, 8 2014


American Shorthair

This is the best service out there. Not only did I receive a call almost immediately inquiring specifics and offering advice, but as I was out on foot looking and passing out flyers, one of my neighbors told me that he had received a phone call already about Birdie. To hear a voice that cares sincerely about you and your baby as you are in a panic is one of the very best feelings. I needed to hear the words, "You will find him," and "Keep faith." Ten days. Ten days Birdie was gone. I received two calls from neighbors claiming they saw him but didn't want to try to approach him. Finally, the day before last, he is inside and safe. This service was so helpful mentally and was so physically active doing their best to help. I will recommend this service to everyone. I paid the middle cost plan and do not regret that payment for one second. Thank you so much. My kitty is home and safe. I can finally sleep with peace of mind.

December, 7 2013


Turkish Angora

Hello, Your service is very beneficial. My indoor-only cat, Gary, went missing from my home on the afternoon of December 6. We initiated an alert that evening and the calls/flyers went out that night. Most of our neighbors that we approached while searching said they had received a phone call. I felt that my entire neighborhood was on alert for my missing cat. He was recovered by our neighbors this evening. They said they had heard the phone call and were on the lookout for a cat. Thank you so much!

November, 15 2013


I was skeptical at first, but within 90 minutes, we had Lorenzo back after the Amber Alert was issued. Fortunately, another pet lover in the apartment building next to ours found him the day after he was lost, so he's been safe and sound all along. Now he is back with us. I am simply amazed at how well the Amber Alert works! We are so grateful!

October, 28 2013


Domestic Medium Hair

We found her! She was lost in a strange neighborhood as she escaped while visitng a family member. Lostmykitty.com was so helpful. We printed flyers and did a Kitty Amber alert after 7 days of searching. We got a lead within 5 mins of the alert going out. She had been spotted that very morning! We rushed over to the spot witht no luck but it gave us renewed hope that she had been seen, We searched for 2 more weeks and she was finally found today! They saw our sign and called the number. Such a relief to have her home. A few tips: 1) USE the Amber alert. Neighbors are always out walking and really want to help 2) Put signs everywhere and refresh them every weekend. Put them in sheet protectors 3) Post a few on neon colored backing - they will stand out at intersections better 4) TELL people you are looking - don't worry if they think you are crazy... who cares 5) Look for cats at night or very early morning. That is when they feel safest to come out. 6) DO NOT GIVE UP. It took us 3 weeks!!

October, 18 2013


Domestic Long Hair

Lostmykitty.com encouraged me to place posters and not give up looking for my cat. I also posted on Craigslist and yesterday (after 11 days since my cat was lost) I saw a Found ad on Craigslist - my cat was found 6 blocks away from his home. I feel like lostmykitty.com is a great resource that not only helps by sending alerts and placing Lost/Found ads but encourages owners to extend their searches and not give up. Thank you! Elena

October, 16 2013


Domestic Long Hair

Nemo was found in my neighbor's garage. I loved this site and it was so helpful! My neighbor recieved the phone call and immediately checked her garage where she heard my cat's bell. She put food out and he came out overnight. We found him hidind scared to death today! Thank you so much!

October, 14 2013


Domestic Short Hair

I was up until at least 12am searching online for clinics and rescues to help find my lost kitten. I stumbled onto this website and immediately completed an 'amber alert'. What a fantastic service!!!! The very next day around 4:00, I received a phone call from a neighbor who got a call from another neighbor that she got a recorded message. She immediately called me to tell me her neighbor across the street had my lost kitten and he was safe and sound. She gave me his phone number and I immediately called him. No more than 15 minutes later - he was in my arms again. Sad for them as they started getting attached to the little fella, but we are less than a mile away and they will visit him. Thank you again for a wonderful wonderful service you provide!!! My one suggestion would be to advertise this service better (through local vets, clinics, flyers, etc) because not many people know it exists. It is worth every penny!!!!

September, 27 2013


Domestic Short Hair

On Tuesday, I lost my cat Merlin. On Thursday, I listed him on Lostmykitty.com. Within a couple of hours, two people had already called me and said they thought they saw my cat. I was in the process of checking it out and received a phone call from a rescue group who had gotten the fax. She said that someone had found a cat that was hit and had brought it to her to look at and she thought that it might be Merlin. The woman who picked him up later called me and said that based on his picture on the website, she was sure that she had my cat. I met her a bit later and it turned out it was my boy. Within a few hours of listing him, I had my boy back! He was about a mile and a half from where he was lost and I never would have even thought of looking for him that far from home. And even if I would have been checking the right area, she had picked him up an hour and a half after I lost him. And I probably would not have called the rescue group because I didn't think Merlin would let anybody pick him up. So I am thrilled to have him back and am recommending this website to anybody who loves their pets.

September, 21 2013


Domestic Long Hair

THIS SERVICE IS AMAZING!!! My kitty did come home on her own, but only after one of my neighbor received a phone call from lostmykitty.com. In the phone call, which my own home received a call, they stated to check garages and sheds. My cat turned out to be stuck in her garage for a whole week! Without this service, my cat may have starved in there (my neighbor said she rarely opens her garage, mainly uses it for storage). I am so incredibly thankful for this service helping my kitty return home safely. If your pet is missing, USE THIS SITE! It really did bring my cat home.

September, 18 2013


Domestic Medium Hair

My sweet baby was missing for the past 3 days. I was so desperate I was doing everything that I could to help try and find her. I found the LOSTMYKITTY.COM on here, and they made the phone calls yesterday. I got a phone call this morning, and the people across the street a few houses down from ours had her. They said that she had been hanging around their house, and they just went out and picked her up outside. She isn't afraid of anything or anyone, so I'm grateful that she did not run off. I can finally get my peace of mind back, and hopefully my stomach will calm back down now that Snowflower has been found. thank you again LOSTMYKITTY!! their services really do work!!

September, 3 2013


American Shorthair

This service brought Finn right home after being missing for a few weeks! We decided just today to upgrade to the service that puts out an "Amber Alert" and within an hour of that alert, we got the call that brought him back. Yes, the phone service really does dial your neighbors and leaves a nice message. Finn was "living" three blocks away on the next street over. He had a tag, but our neighbor assumed Finn was going back home at night. I cannot tell you how happy we are after many sleepless nights. Thank-you, thank-you for this service. It really did work for us.

August, 29 2013

Cole (Coley, Coley-Wole)

Russian Blue

LostMyKitty recorded a human-made phone all and reached everyone within the promised distance from my home. The neighbors next door told me they got theirs. I know we got ours -- twice, in fact. The punch line about our (indoor) cat's return is he escaped unwittingly, got locked out, was scared and his until the following midnight when he sat patiently by the door he left through until we opened it to let him in. A few days after that a neighbor from a few blocks away called me out of the blue to see if we were reunited with our cat and was as grateful to hear of his safe return as if it was her own pet that went missing. I think we made s friend. LostMyKitty also instructed us as to what other steps we should take on our own to help galvanize everyone within miles to get him back. Hope you never need them for yourself, but if it ever came to it, don't hesitate a minute to reach to them for help.

July, 23 2013



I want to thank you SO MUCH for helping me find my cat, Rocky. The Amber Alert call and the Lost Kitty posters are what really saved his life and eventually brought him back home to us. After being gone for 16 days long days, my family had practically given up hope. But this past Sunday, I got a call on my cell phone from a woman saying she found Rocky in her backyard, and she knew it was him because of the poster and the Amber Alert call. Thank you again so much for reuniting Rocky with me and the rest of my family! We are beyond excited to have him back safe and happy at home!

July, 8 2013


American Shorthair

I had moved from NJ to SC and during the 4th of July my cat was so scared by the move, different location and the noise she broke out of her cage and was out in a foreign land...to her. We walked streets calling her name, put out posters and cried for 4 days. I found this website and purchased the calling portion. Not only did I receive a call, other's did because I had 2 other people call telling me they saw her. Even though they did not retrieve her it was SO comforting to know there was a way 300 people could be personally told to watch out for my cat and be motivated to call because of a reward. She somehow found her way home not long after that but if it ever happens again...I will have this website to call immediately. It's literally like an amber alert for your pet...hundreds are notified and for them all to simply look around their small yard...it meant the world to me. If you have a lost pet....find comfort in this business's ability to notify the masses for you!!!!!