
August, 3 2017

Found Cat Topanga


Domestic Short Hair

After 17 agonizing days of searching, Topanga miraculously showed up at our doorstep late last night...meowing like crazy, really tired and weathered from her experience. We took her to the vet today, and aside from a scratched eye and a slight respiratory infection, she's in good shape, considering. Although LostMyKitty wasn't directly responsible for her returning home, we have only positive things to say about them. We first did the poster alerts, then upgraded to the phone alerts a few days later. We know the vet notifications happened, because her flyer was posted at our vet when we arrived today. The calls also worked...went out further than we expected...for we had calls literally within minutes of it being activated. We wish we would have done this out of the gate. Hopefully, we never have to go through this again, but we would not hesitate to use LostMyKitty. The only suggestion we have is that it would be helpful on the phone call message to include an option to repeat the message in case the person didn't get the number. Thank you!

August, 1 2017

Found Cat Bulldog


Thanks so much for your help. I couldn't believe how fast you were able to set the wheels in motion!! I have been posting your lost pets to my facebook account for a long time, but this was my first experience with using your services to find my pet. Thanks so much for all the good work you do. I will certainly sleep better tonight!!

June, 23 2017

Found Cat Kitty


Very helpful website. Was able to found my lost kitty within a day.

June, 12 2017

Found Cat Beans


Domestic Short Hair

Beans was found last night due to lostmykitty.com. A neighbor about 10-12 blocks away who received a phone alert about Beans, called me. Beans is good, down about 5 lbs, dehydrated, but good! Without the kindness of neighbors and lostmykitty.com, I am not sure Beans would have been found!

May, 1 2017

Found Cat Tuxedo


Lostmykitty.com made me feel empowered when I was feeling very hopeless.I used the flyer they made to post around my neighborhood. Having the flyer made for me facilitated this process so I could do it immediately. I had many phone calls from people who received a call from lostmykitty with suggestions and possible sightings. Finally I got the phone call that made this story have a happy ending. A neighbor had seen the flyer and saw my cat outside their house. And now Tuxedo is home happy and safe! Thanks to the support and help from lostmykitty.com

February, 14 2017

Found Cat Fluffy


Domestic Long Hair

thank you so much for all your help . This is a wonderful service . Highly recommended

October, 27 2016

Found Cat Pumpkin


Domestic Medium Hair

Though I was lucky enough to find my pet/Pumpkin close to home, I was impressed with the "reach of the services" available at Lost My Kitty. Far greater than any number of calls I could make, or area I could cover, this service enabled contact with pet agencies and residents close to where I initially lost site of him. Though I hope never to have to use these services again, I am grateful and would recommend this to a friend in similar circumstances. Thanks, M

September, 19 2016


American Shorthair

Thanks to lostmykitty's multiple phone calls to neighbors and alerts to vets and animal protection agencies our cat, Didi, was found in East Hampton after being away only five nights. We got several calls that she had been seen within about a half mile radius of where she was lost. And, interestingly, a neighbor only one street away from where she was lost found her and with food lured Didi into her garage where I picked her up. The neighbor sent an iPhone photo of Didi to me which was very helpful. This is a great system that I knew about from receiving lost pet alerts by phone. Don't wait if you lose your pet. But get the word out fast. We are very grateful that this service exists. Jim, Julie and Didi

August, 14 2016


Domestic Short Hair

My cat was missing for almost two weeks. I posted on fb, posted flyers and put an ad in the paper but got no results. I then heard about robocalls for pets, I filled out the LostMyKitty online order Saturday night, the calls were placed 12:30 the next day and by 3:30 I received a call from a wonderful woman who had been taking care of her. Found in 3 hours! THAT IS AMAZING!

August, 3 2016


American Shorthair

Thanks to the phone alert, we were able to get our cat back! She was lost for 29 days and the only reason we were reunited is because of the phone alert purchase. I highly recommend making this investment because your pet is worth it! We are so pleased with this service and to have our cat back home!

July, 3 2016


American Shorthair

The response was overwhelming. So many people called me to say they had seen a black cat. People wrote my number down and call days even weeks later. If you are thinking about trying this service I would highly recommend it. It gave us so many leads as to where he was and we were then able to flyers those areas which is what eventually led us to finding our boy. I am grateful to this site and also to all the wonderful people of the greater Milwaukee area who took there time to pick up their phones and call me. Murphy was 5 weeks in Whitnall Park and we are glad to report after the visit to the vet that he has a perfect bill of health. Thank you LOSTMYKITTY.COM .

May, 30 2016


American Shorthair

I would like to encourage anyone who has lost a pet to try Lost My Kitty.com or Lost My Doggie .com it REALLY WORKS!!! I really felt hopeless after looking for my cat the very same day she came up missing, thinking I had a much greater chance in finding her that same day! With no luck on my side! Then I came across this website saying to myself at this point what do I have to lose, I NEED HELP!!! I must admit at first I was a bit skeptical but I'd give it a try anyway. For a small investment I was Rewarded Greatly!!! Exactly one week later she was found thanks to a neighbor who got the kitty Amber alert call she was able to contact me by phone and now she is safe and sound at home! Thank you so much Lost My Kitty .com for being there when I needed help finding my cat.

May, 25 2016



After I emailed local vets about my lost cat, one of them told me about lostmykitty. Bless you all for this network, and for caring!

April, 21 2016


American Shorthair

The alerts calls to neighbors was very helpful and generated plenty of interest. I am so grateful for the support to help Caidy get home!

February, 28 2016


Domestic Medium Hair

We are thrilled to have our cat Oliver back home. He had traveled so far from our home, that we never would have found him if it weren't for lostmykitty.com! We are so thankful for this site and could never express just how grateful we are. I will always recommend this site for the rest of my life! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! We are so blessed! Forever Grateful, Jenni B (Oliver's mom)