
April, 4 2019

Found Cat Mittens


Domestic Short Hair

LostMyKitty is a great service and helps to get the word out so a missing pet can be found. Thank you for all you do.

April, 3 2019

Found Cat Boomer


Very good website. Turns out that Boomer somehow went thru an unknown entrance into the attic and got trapped there for two days. But the poster that you guys set up was wonderful and posted on 25 power-line poles in the Encino area. Very professional. I am going out now to take them down. Thank you again.

March, 29 2019

Found Cat Toby


With out you guys I don’t know what I would’ve done your flyers help bring my Toby back I’m so greatful for your help thank you??

March, 23 2019

Found Cat Kevin


American Shorthair

My cat was found within hours of posting on here. I’m so grateful my little kitty is now home. ????

March, 22 2019

Found Cat Jackson


Thank you so much in reuniting me with my Jackson. The flyers were the key. THANK YOU!!!!!

February, 1 2019

Found Cat Baby


American Shorthair

Found my cat when a neighbor saw my poster that you provided. Thank you so much for your help.

January, 26 2019

Found Cat Tux



Because we printed the fliers and posted them around the neighborhood, a young couple who took in Tux came forward and brought her home to us. They fed her and cared for her but without this site and their fliers I would have never seen her again. Thank you!

January, 19 2019

Found Cat Kenya


Bengal Cat

Kenya was lost for two weeks in an area of Goleta, surrounded by coyotes and hawks. It was a brutal two weeks, but he was found yesterday and is catching up on sleep! While there was Divine intervention along the way, it was Lostmykitty.com that provided the vehicle for that Divine intervention. He was 1.6 miles from where he went missing. The amber alert immediately led to three phone calls about sightings in the same neighborhood. Once we had that clue we plastered flyers in that neighborhood, put them in people's mail boxes, and talked to everyone we came across in the street. Yesterday, five minutes after handing out two flyers to people walking their dogs, I received a call from one of them telling me he was under a car in front of him. I had him safely in my arms 20 minutes later. I will tell anyone who loses their pet to contact lostmykitty.com or lostmydoggy.com immediately. I am eternally grateful!

December, 26 2018

Found Cat Nova


Bengal Cat

Thank you LostMyKitty! While Nova was found by a flyer I passed out to neighbors, the emails and faxes to vets and shelters were fantastic! I took her to a new vet after she was found and they all knew who she was and happy she was found thanks to the vet notifications. Using this service definatelty reduced the amount of legwork I needed to do.

December, 21 2018

Found Cat Vader


Domestic Short Hair

After 6 weeks missing Vader was found by someone who found this missing cat poster online. Vader was found 15 miles southwest from where he originally went missing. Although Vader is not in he best shape physically when he was found since he had to suffer through very cold and ruff conditions He somehow managed to find a house that was the same color as his old one and hung out by the back door glass window peeking in hoping someone would take notice. The family whom found him had 4 children just like his own human family. Vader is at home recovering from starvation and severe dehydration. He does appear as though he will recover back to his strong healthy self in due time. What a great Xmas present to have him back when all hope was lost 6 weeks later! Welcome Home Vader! Vader’s percerverence along with lost my kitty.com saved his life and brought happiness back to ours!

November, 21 2018

Found Cat Bear


Domestic Long Hair

I am so pleased with LostMyKitty.com's services. We used the flyer that they created for us and went door to door in my neighborhood passing the flyers out. One neighbor told me she had gotten the "Amber Alert" call yesterday about Bear. Another one of our neighbors took me to his garage to see if Bear may have gotten in there on Sunday. When he opened the garage and I called out Bear’s name he immediately started crying for me. My daughter climbed over a lot of car parts, an old car and car seats to get to Bear who was under an old car in their garage. Bear is now safe at home with a full belly and his favorite blanket.

November, 20 2018

Found Cat Leo


Bengal Cat

We are now reunited with Leo, our Bengal Cat thanks to YOUR website!!!! Another pet lover who lives almost a mile away saw our pet in her neighborhood and found our contact info through a simple search on the web. We responded and began searching door to door. We then discovered that other neighbors had seen him too - just the day before. I called his name and he came directly to me. Your lost pet service saved our pet. Thanks you sooo very much! Will are tremendously grateful.

November, 19 2018

Found Cat TsuTsu


American Shorthair

This service is quick and reaches so many people. The option of printing a flyer is great - thank you.

October, 24 2018

Found Cat Fortuna


Domestic Long Hair

Fantastic website. Generated a ready to print poster in minutes. They also sent out a dozen alerts to local veterinarians, shelters, etc., all at no charge. Highly recommend.

October, 19 2018

Found Cat Peaches



I was very fortunate to find Peaches only a few blocks from our home. However, I would highly recommend Lostmykitty/doggy.com . What a comfort while she was missing to know that while I was not always free to look, the search was continuing through this wonderful service. Now when I see a stray dog or cat, I can go to this website to see if someone is greatly missing their furry family member and hopefully be a small part of a very happy reunion. Thank you!!