The North Jay Street Cats

Total Members:  1
Group Started:  01/12/2016
Type of Group:  Public
Group Category:  Cat Related
About This Group:

We are a small group of neighbors who worked together to help the large number of growing feral cats in our neighborhood. We have the support of local business allowing us to leave a donation container on their counter (Perecca's) and my vet, Dr. Carla Hernas that has offered a great discount on neuter/spay. One member, Chris, has built weather-proof shelters and is the daily feeder and been instrumental in the safe trapping. We have the cats tested for FIV etc., and sadly, have had to put two down. I have one as a indoor pet that has HIV and a host of others as do all of us in our group. Chris has 5 and Theresa three. Maria (MiMi) has both dogs and cats. It took awhile but things are steadily improving with our TNR/adopt program.

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