Lost Cat HEMET, CA

  Lost Cat Alert


American Shorthair

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 175792)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
American Shorthair
Pet Color:
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

Under normal circumstances he's curious, social, and friendly. He might approach you. If it's a bright sunny day, and your eyesight is good, you'll notice that his black fur appears to have deep brownish red undertones. He's always been on the thin side. Sometimes he has an overbite, showing his fangs. He has a sprinkling of white hairs on his chest and a couple white whiskers. One ear is torn along the edge. Just a small tear.His Microchip: # 0A11772E1DThe chip may have migrated from its origi

Area Last Seen:

92544 (HEMET, CA)

Cross Streets:

Doe Canyon Rd & Florida Ave (rte 74)

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