Create a free lost or found pet listing that is emailed & faxed to over 25 local shelters, vets and rescue groups (over 35K in our network).
Supercharge your listing with optional tools that can give you up to 25x more exposure and find your pet quicker. Include an "Amber Alert" to neighbors and additional mailings and Facebook ads.
Let us take care of the rest so you can have some peace of mind that you are doing all that you can to bring your pet home safely. Over 194870 reunions since 2009, our services have a proven track record.
Over the years we've had some truly amazing stories of lost cats reunited with their owners. These are the stories that keep you going and make you never give up, they are inspirational and we encourage you to read them as they will give you hope when you feel like there is none.
I have to say I am so impressed with! We just moved so this is a new neighborhood for us and I was worried that we lost Kitty for good. This was his first time outside from this home, he was missing for four days! Within the hour that the phone message...
went out we got a call from a neighbor who spotted our Kitty. She said she thought by the description given that was the cat she noticed hiding in her backyard. Sure enough it was! Thank you, thank you, thank you is a direct result of what brought my kitty home. This service was used and it sent put flyers to dozens of agencies. One of those workers recognized Ephraim, a stray, that was hanging out a neighbor's mom's house. Her Mom contacted me...
immediately and within a day we are reunited. Thanks to this service.
WE ARE SO HAPPY - BOOTS IS HOME TONIGHT! At 10 pm my son and I were talking in the kitchen by the window and Boots heard us and called to us. We were reunited tonight and he is safe and happy to be home! Lots of love and booty massages. He's tired but starting...
to chirp and talk again. All's well with the world. All the wonderful advice we received was right - we kept journeying out, talking as we walked, we left clothing and blankets from his favorite spots, put his litter box out, we put flyers out all around the neighborhood and visited our local shelter - but we always had someone home in case he came looking for us- THANK YOU THANK YOU to all our wonderful neighbors and to LOST MY KITTY, the Mission Viejo Animal Shelter (wonderful facility), and all the wonderful hardworking folks who take care of lost pets, put their pictures on line, help families reunite with their loved ones - FEELING VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED TONIGHT!
Join our Pet Rescue Team and help reunite lost pets with their owners. Receive emails about lost pets in your area.
Our cat was lost for three days. has a built in flyer service, which is very convenient. Within the same day that we posted the flier locally, one of our neighbors led us to where our little guy was hiding out! Joy and thanks were abundant. We took him to the vet for a checkup, a
We are beyond grateful for this website! It is absolutely devastating for a pet to go missing. We are so happy that we are reunited with our cat! The ease of this website was wonderful. The missing posters that this company offers are spectacular. It was so easy to just print them up in my own home.
I love this site and I've recommended it to many people so far. The services they provide are wonderful, I especially love the flyer and it's format. I think the flyers themselves are invaluable. I just print them up at Staples and I'm good to go or I can post them online. I've used this sit
Our cat was gone for almost 2 weeks. He was found several miles away, in a different county AND ACROSS A RIVER! Had we not posted on here, the incredible people who live-trapped him wouldn’t have known who he was or that he was lost! If we didn’t post him on this website, we might’ve never seen him
Thank to Lostmykitty and Others My entire neighborhood was on the look out for my cat as they saw the posting Lostmykitty made plus the flyers they made for him. It took the hard work of making flyers and contacting as many people as possible all on top of trying to physically look for my cat and th
I noticed I had lost my kitten around 8:46 pm and created the alert. At 9:17 pm I got an email about possible info on her whereabouts. At 9:40 the same night, I was reunited with my kitten. Exceptional timing and an easy process. I am truly grateful for the service considering I didn’t pay anything
Reach out to us with any questions you may still have. We're here to help and do what we can to reunite you with your lost cat or dog.
Contact usA lost or missing cat locating service that can dramatically increase the chances of finding your lost cat, missing dog, or stolen pet. Our animal alert lost pet service should be used in conjunction with other traditional methods of trying to locate a missing pet, such as posting flyers, going to local shelters, and posting lost pet ads in local and community newspapers.