Lost Dog MESA, AZ

  Lost Dog Alert


Shih Tzu

Pet Details

Pet Name:

(ID# 80622)

Pet Type:
Pet Breed:
Shih Tzu, Poodle
Pet Color:
Black, White
Date Lost:
Pet Description:

Mostly black but white on his chest and right foot. He is a sweet and kind dog. Even to other animals. Sensitive to noise like if anyone yells. He was found but given to the mom now changing their story a friend who took it to 35th ave and Union Hills. And the idiot give to another lady without changing numbers to a lady name Amber or Amy who claim who who works for a rescue place or knows of one. What I dont understand if that story is true... And a dog owner yourself. How do you not exchange n

Area Last Seen:

85210 (MESA, AZ)

Cross Streets:

Broadway & Country Club Dr

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